Monday, December 19, 2011

A New Sheriff In Town

After settling in with the....uncomfortable introduction, everybody took their safety watch positions and resumed the nightly routine. About halfway through the night an alarm shrieked and pierced the ears of all the sleeping soldiers. Yang was shaken from his meditation and Yin, was woken up from the middle of a dream that involved orphans, a sack of puppies, and fire. Everyone swung into action, everyone that is except Yin who was too lazy to remove himself from his comfortable bed. Until he realized that Yang would steal his thunder, at which point his pride overrode his sloth, and he sprung to the cause. What triggered the alarm was an attack on the base by one of the elite Xecl soldiers, Officer Umara who had been sent to eradicate The Alpha Team since the Alien commander saw them as a nuisance. They confronted him, and he revealed his purpose and his job.

"You weaklings have been a real thorn in Commander Xigby's side, he doesn't like that. I don't like when he's unhappy, and I want my promotion. So if you surrender now, I'll make sure your death isn't THAT painful."

His threats didn't deter the team.....except Yin, who was shaking in  his boots.

"HEY! That's a lie, how dare you make me look bad. Don't make me teach you where you're jurisdiction ends" Yang rebutted

All right, geez. It was only a joke. Anyway, Yang's sloth overrode his pride at that point, since he realized how weak this guy actually was.

"Yang you've got this one right? Even someone as weak as you can handle this clown."

Yang glared at him, but refused to sink to the low of a verbal comeback, he looked the Officer in the eye and made his advance.

"I'm going to give you the chance to surrender now without a fight, I know that you will not be easily convinced, so I will show you my true power so you know what you're getting into." Yang declared. He focused his energy and flared up  his power to his maximum potential, his aura growing in size until it encompassed the building, the light glowing nearly as bright as a star. He then simmered down and returned to his dormant state.

" think you're so tough, but you haven't seen what I can do." The Officer yelled before attacking. He laid out an onslaught of punches, kicks and and various other attacks with little success. Yang dodged them all, without moving more than two steps away from his spot. The Officer was completely embarrassed and let out a cry of rage. He started to use his hand cannons to fire energy blasts at Yang, but they were even more gracefully dodged. Not a single hit was landed, and the enemy officer was MAD. He began to babble in his anger, and started to make as little sense as Yin.

" it bud" Yin muttered

"You have gone far enough. You mock me now, but I haven't revealed the power of my transformation!" the officer yelled. He then screamed an intense war cry and began to quake. He slowly grew in size and began to grow more powerful. about a minute passed and he was still transforming. Yin was awestruck and yelled

"What are you waiting for!? Attack him now, he's wide open!"

"Don't you see? I cannot, I am bound by literary law. You see, if a character, especially an antagonist, has the potential to grow stronger, he must and must be allowed the means necessary. So I must wait until he's done."

"That..That's a load of bull, whose to stop us, I'm going to attack him if you don't"

No you won't Yin, I'm in charge here, and this story must maintain some order.

"Ok, that's it....I've had it with you!" Yin shouted. There was a flash of light, which was consumed by mass darkness. The universe froze, and it's rotation was skewed... Aaaahhhhh, now that that's over with things are going to be run a little differently now that the almighty Yin is in charge of this story. Narrator rules are abolished, and I will defeat this man! I attacked him just before he finished and pierced right through him. He disintegrated into a pile of dust and blew away in the wind. THE WIND I SAY! How pathetic. Hahahahaha, I love being in charge, it's so thrilling! Tune in to the next episode folks, where I kill a bunch of orphans with a sack of puppies that's on fire!!!! Only on Silken Skies........

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