Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Savior....The Destroyer?

Date: 5/27/1872 PA (Post Apocalypse)
Time: 2100 Hours
Location: Southern Californian Republic - Underground Research Facility
Restoration - 25%

Hello, my name is Dr. Ulrich von-Schenckenstein, I should start by bringing this log up to date: It has been 1,872 years since the end of the old world. Since then we have started over with the world. We had achieved peace with what was left of the world after the Dandroids assault under the leadership of #2015, and had returned to modern science not long after the reconstruction. We had made great strides in technology, and without the restraint of warfare, our efforts succeeded much more quickly. Having abandoned the need for weapons technology, we had achieved the pinochle of our technology with my discovery. I had managed to find an equation that safely converts any known property into data. We can extract any data from the digital world, even from works of fictional literature, into this world as an existing property, and vice versa, we can encode anyone and anything into information and send them into the digital world. Ever see that ancient movie from the 1970's: "Tron", it's kinda like that. This was our civilization's peak, and it will hopefully protect us from our  society's biggest threat since Dandroid#2015

Restoration - 50%

Since the discovery of Digital Conversion, it had to be immediately put to use due to the threat of the Xecl. They are an advanced alien warrior race who have come to dominate the planet an enslave the human race. Since we have become a peaceful race, we have few means to defend ourselves besides Digital Conversion, we can extract weapons of fiction or history into this world, but it is not nearly enough. We need a weapon of mass destruction, something that is powerful enough to match up to their brutality. We need to fight fire with fire, and go warrior with warrior. The only thing that can save what destroyed us in the first place. we need a Dandroid, or should I say, THE Dandroid

Restoration - 100%
Erasing Memory Banks - 15%

In desperation, I began spelunking through old cave systems, looking for the perfect spot to find an underground base, so I could create something capable of destroying them. I never imagined I would find this.  I stumbled upon this laboratory, and all the entrances were blocked, so...I made my own. I found in here, the solution to the problem: Dandroid #2015. He was inactive, and nearly destroyed, but there was enough of him left for my scientific mind to repair. I need to be cautious however, so I am taking the longer, safer route, by erasing his memory and reprogramming him.

Memory Banks successfully wiped
Beginning reprogramming - 10%

I was surprised at the horror I was working on when I began to repair him. his mental properties had been completely corrupted. I am shocked at how the Prussian Terrorists had created such an abomination out of this magnificent machine. The only perfect artificial human, corrupted with sadistic and, frankly satanic traits, and virtues. But, when I'm through reprogramming him, he will be perfect, the only weapon capable of becoming our savior.


Oh no, the equipment has died on me! He has only been 50% reprogrammed to good. He is still half evil, but there is nothing I can do now. All power has been lost but his life support. I must activate him now. It is uncertain what will happen, but risk is better than the alternative, at least this time, most of the population is safe inside of the Digital World.....

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