Saturday, July 23, 2011

Prolouge: The End, Is Only The Beginning

Destructive Android #2015 Status:
Date: 4/19/2153
Time: 1800 hrs
Location: San Fransisco - Underground research Facility.
Construction - Complete

Day 53: Today is the day. We have successfully created a fuly operational human being. I wish it could go to more practical use, but the military will be seizing control of it tomorrow. So I've uploaded combat schematics into it's data base. This Destructive Android (or Dandroid as I like to call it) is the 2015th prototype and the first that that exhibits perfect results. As a precautionary measure, I have given it a good nature, so it will only resort to violence as a last resort to preserve peace. Chapsky bought us all beer, and we're throwing a party here at the facility. There is plenty to be thankful for, as this is a major breakthrough in science

Day 54: When the military took custody of Dandroid#2015, we were very sad to part with it, but they told us to make plenty more, as they would be needing them. A scientist's job never ends.

Day 57: I haven't written lately, due to the lack of news, as we have pumped out several Dandroids, for the military and that's all that's happened. The military is launching their first strike with the dandroids tomorrow in The New Republic of Prussia. We are all in high spirits for the raid, and we will be listening in for news of our creations' progress

Day 58: The attack was a success, we anahalated their armies, with only one loss: #2015 was captured. He is being held prisoner, and being tortured for information. I fear the worst and am very depressed with what my machine is going through.

Day 72: We are fleeing for our lives. This is the last warning I leave. Whoever finds this please heed my warning: DO NOT MEDDLE IN THE REALM OF GOD! #2015 was contaminated by the Prussians and they have turned him pure evil as he is anihallating this planet. People everywhere are going into hiding to protect themselves, and we are abandoning ship. I must stay behind however. As I created this monster, so I must find a way to stop him.

Day 105: I've done it! I've captured #2015 and have him incapacitated. But it is too late, as nearly all of the known world has been destroyed. With Earth's population now 6,572. We are starting over in a new era. I am closing down this facility and keeping #2015 deactivated and isolated in here. This facility will be sealed off from the rest of the world so that this distater can never happen again. I am planting c-4 all around the facility as we speak. And now I am bidding this world farewell, as I am the only survivor with the knowledge of how to construct these. So I will go down with the facility, and now I can rest in peace knowing that this crisis can never happen again.

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