As electricity sparked through the air, the machine slowly whirred to life. The doctor was nervous about what was about to happen, as he anticipated hostility upon the awakening of #2015. He would not be proven wrong. Dandroid #2015 snapped awake, fully repaired, and restored, but only 50% reprogrammed, with his evil sadistic nature composing one half of his mentality, and his good, noble nature making up the other. Looking frantically at his surroundings, he lunged forward and gripped Dr. Schenckenstein.
"Who am I! What's going on here!" He shouted
"Relax, you are in a secret underground facility, you are Dandroid#2015. You were built long ago as a weapon of war, but became too powerful and shut down. Now that the world is under attack, we need you now more than ever. I Repaired and reactivated you with the hopes that you would help save us."
"And why would I do that"
"Well for starters, without your help the world will be destroyed, but I know that's probably not reason
enough for your assistance, so I'll bargain with you. I know you desire information, you want answers about your past. I can give you these answers if you help us. I will give you the knowledge of your past that you so greedily desire. Do we have a deal, or is there something more you will want in exchange?" Said the doctor,
"You are correct about my desire for knowledge, but you do not have me convinced so easily. It will not be that difficult to discover this information on my own. However, I cannot scour the planet for answers if there isn't a planet to search. So, for this reason and this reason ONLY, I am willing to barter. I'll help you fight this one war, and this war ONLY. But I will only do so on the condition of peace. If you release me to my own devices and let me wander in peace without interruptions, then I will fight. But only then. Do we have a deal Doctor?"
"I can agree to those terms, it is simple enough. We have a deal."
"I don't believe you. I am empathic and can sense others emotions, I can tell that you plan to deactivate me and wipe my memory again after the war, how can I be certain you won't double-cross me?"
"You can't, however as I see there is no way around it now, I accept your conditions. I trust you believe me when I say I swear on my daughter's life that I will not break the terms of our agreement, unless you say otherwise."
"I can tell now that you are being truthful out of fear and desperate measures for desperate times. I make my agreement that I will do whatever it takes to win this war for the good of mankind."
Little known to either at the time, those negotiations would radically change the fate of both human and Xecl.
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