Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Alpha Team

Dr. Schenckenstein and #2015 began the long trek back to HQ, along the way he brought #2015 up to speed on the events that took place. He could tell the doctor was insane, but he decided to put up with it. When the Doc was finished he began to pass along the information of the alien resistance. He informed him of the different types of aliens: The scavengers, hunters, predators, soldiers, elites, and leaders.

"We have the most able fighters stationed at the 4 major cities on the planet: they are teams Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Delta is stationed in New Korea, there is little invasion there, and so we sent the worst of the best to maintain the peace. Charlie is in the Soviet Union, holding off the scavenger Aliens. Bravo is in South Peru, where they have to deal with a majority of the predators, and the Alpha team is stationed in the Northern California Republic, we have it the worst. The alien stronghold is directly above the city, and all the commanding officers are stationed there. the city is infested with predators, and we needed the best of the best to hold out here. When we arrive I will introduce you to the team, there are 5 of us, including myself, due to the warfare history of the location however, we have been successful so far in creating weapons from the remains of warfare buried deep beneath the earth. However, with the growing awareness of the Xecl leaders, we needed something more, that's where you come in. I was searching for a new base of operations while spelunking, and stumbled across the laboratory we have just escaped from. I read through what remained of the journal logs and found your record as the pinochle of scientific power. I knew you could help save us, and that is how we got to this point. We must be very quiet now as we must head stealthily through the underground passages to get to HQ. And we must pass directly under a Predator nest."

They eventually completed the trek back to Headquarters. Upon arrival, the group of warriors stared in awe at #2015. They shared unanimous murmurs of things like:

"I knew he was crazy, but not THIS crazy?" "This is either his best or worst idea" "is that really him?" etc.
Finally, one got up the courage to ask:

"Sir, are you really mad enough to bring The Terminator into our camp?"

"Hell no, That would've been a terrible idea, one I must remember for later... anyway, who I have here is the legendary Dandroid #2015.

"You mean the monster that single-handedly caused the apocalypse!!!"

"For all intents and purposes...Yes. He will be the turning point of the war, and you must treat him with the utmost respect. #2015: these are our men. this is Razor, our heavy weapons expert." He pointed to a large African American man with a scar and eye patch across his left eye, and he was wearing a large mechanical suit.

"This is Katana, our analysist, and martial arts master." He pointed to a short, but muscular woman with long black hair and bright blue eyes. She was also in a mechanical suit

"This is Gentleman Jim, our sniper, his accuracy is good enough to shoot the wing off of a fly from a mile away." He pointed to a tall, slender man in a tuxedo,with a crooked nose and short brown hair.

"And finally this is Skeet, out Intel and military officer." He pointed to a short man with messy blonde hair, baggy shorts, and a tank top, he was the one who had made the smart remark about him earlier. Upon seeing this man, #2015 immediately pointed at him and fired a beam from his finger. The beam pierced through his chest, and he then proceeded to break apart into pixels which slowly disappeared, to reveal that he was a Mimic, a new breed of soldier! The whole time, he had been nothing but a Xecl spy! #2015 then rushed him punched through his stomach and sent a burst of energy through his body and exploding, leaving nothing but dust.

"That. Was. did you...what was that." Asked Katana.

"Roughly 5% of my power." Replied #2015

"You see men. This is how we will win the war, Get comfortable with him, because he is going to join the team and help us take down the Xecl leaders!"

"Doctor I think it's safe to say you've doomed us all" said Jim. The doctor tried to make a rebuttle, but he found himself unable to, he paused shortly and then replied with:

"For all intents and purposes...yes, but we need to take bold risks, for before now we were simply delaying the inevitable, but now we have the means to fight back. Now I would be terrified to go to sleep tonight if I were you, (I don't exactly trust this guy) But what's a little death here or there going to do? Goodnight...

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