After the introductions the group started to settle in, #2015 went to his lodging and began to meditate. The group was confused by this, but knew better than to question the methods of a being who was exceedingly more powerful than them. They all began their nightly activities, and the night watch began as normal until they received a transmission from the radio.
"Please, Team Alpha come in, TEAM ALPHA!" Razor, who happened to be on watch answered the call
"This is Razor of the Alpha Team, who is speaking?"
"This is Major Disaster of Team Bravo, please send help immediately, we are under attack, all of us. Team Delta has been destroyed completely, and Team Charlie is beyond helping at this point. We have double agents, Predators and Hunters have disguised themselves and infiltrated the resistance teams, be careful as they may be among your ranks too, we need assistance NOW!"
"We have a new addition to our team that spotted the traitor, so we are safe for now. We'll be there as soon as we can." Razor placed the microphone back in it's holster, and awoke the team and explained the dilemma. "Well obviously, we need to send the most dispensable person and leave the rest to guard the station." said the doctor
I say Katana, we didn't need a girl on the team anyway" Said Razor
"Please, please, men, obviously Jim is the most pathetic of this lot" said Dr. Schenckenstein
"Doctor, did you seriously just say that?" Jim replied
"For all intents and purposes....Yes"
The quarrel erupted into an argument and no one saw 2015 emerge from his chambers
"There is no need to quarrel, I will go to their aid" Said 2015
"Don't be foolish, we need you most of all" rebutted Jim
"No, I have made up my mind to help them, to attempt to stop me would be foolish."
"Aww, I wanted Jim to go on this suicide mission" Said the mad doctor
"Gee, thanks doctor, you REALLY know how to cheer a guy up" Said Jim
"I can aid them without having expended virtually any power, plus among my...skills, is instantaneous warpspeed, or as you call it: teleportation. If you require my assistance, just send a signal to this channel" He proceeded to tune to a frequency on the radio, and seemed to show minor signs of pain at the sound of it.
"I will pick it up and grab the fighters that are still alive and bring myself back here in an instant. Now what are the precise coordinates of their location" Dr. Schenckenstein gave him the location and wished him good luck. He raised his hands to his chest made a pyramid with them, he began to glow and slowly disappeared. No more than ten minutes later he appeared again, completely empty handed.
"I was too late, there were no survivors, the place was crawling with hunters, and I sensed no human life, so I nuked the place. I also left no evidence and information remaining for them to get a hold of." The doctor chuckled at the thought of the chaos, but then the seriousness of the situation caused him to show some signs of grief, and then rage, and he began to speak
"This is unacceptable. We must not let them destroy us so easily, they cannot push us around anymore. It is time to take the offensive, which is why I am glad to have snuck back this little beauty from the lab when I brought back #2015." He then revealed a small machine that looked like a handheld vacuum
"What the hell? Is that a shop vac?" Said razor
".......For all intents and purposes...Yes, but With my own modifications, this machine should thin their ranks immensely, which will make the war winnable, because as it stands #2015 is still not quite strong enough to win the entire war for us. Training will help with that, but it is not a quick enough solution. this invention can fix that. This was an experimental machine that the scientists of old had developed as a cloning method, however due to... unforeseen side affects they abandoned it and archived it. Thanks to my snooping around the lab before restoring #2015, I found and weaponized this baby. I call it the nuclear fission generator. It's initial purpose was to find the soul's essence and divide it in half, creating two separate beings, however, not only did it divide the being's power in half, but the beings it created were two conflicting opposites, all test subjects had a tendency to clash with one another, and always attempted to destroy the other. I weaponized this machine, so we can use this to fight fire with fire. With this we can pit the enemy against itself, which will greatly thin it's ranks, and make the fight much easier on us, which is crucial now that we are the only humans left on earth, and risking bringing more fighters in from the virtual reality would be folly."
"So...we're cutting their ranks in half, by multiplying them by 2? That's a terrible idea!" said Katana
"I know, one of my best! now, I think it's time for a test run!"
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