The machine whirred to life and charged up the beam. The group looked on nervously, afraid to see what would happen next. #2015 sat and meditated, to relieve himself from the growing tension around him. His omniscient 6th sense knew that something bad was about to happen...he hated being right. As the Doctor fired the beam, the alien ship suddenly fired back, the beams collided and reflected each other back. The alien laser reflected back to hit the ship and sent it spiraling away, while the fission beam bounced back heading directly at #2015. He snapped out of his state of equilibrium with just enough time to dodge it.
The beam reflected across every surface of the rooftop, looking for some, any, unfixed object to split into two. #2015 quickly ordered everyone inside for their own safety. They rushed down into the shelter just in time to slam the door before the laser bounced off and headed back to #2015, it seemed to take on a life of it's own, now it had locked onto #2015 as a target it followed him everywhere, every dodge turned it right back around toward him. It continually grew faster and more difficult to dodge, #2015 was exhausting all of his resources to stay away. The laser became his enemy, and dodging became his focus, as his speed rose the laser grew more clumsy, and in a near miss, struck the generator. it exploded in a flurry of light, knocking #2015 off guard, and slamming him against the wall.
As a result of the machine's destruction, all of the energy inside released, and several more beams fired towards him. He cursed under his breath and kicked into maximum performance, now moving just faster than the speed of light, but still only barely dodging the symphony of color. He started attempting to eliminate the lasers by forcing them into one another, which only resulted in more lasers splitting off from them. It was as hopeless as battling a Hydra. finally he launched beam of energy from each of his fingers to hold back the fission beams. He held them each at bay, and used all of his energy to hold them in place. He finally stood still and took a breath. and noticed out of the corner of his eye that he missed one, which was coming straight at him. He turned and tried to juggle the beams between his fingers to stop them. Until he made the vital mistake of crossing his fingers.
Two of the beams hit and one more broke off. Which hit him too quickly to dodge. The other beams faded away now that the target had been hit, and #2015 broke down on the floor in agony. His body glowing with a bright light, which formed a divide down the middle of him. He split in two, and his essence arose from the body, in the form of a Yin &Yang decorated orb. The dark and light separated and flew away slamming into the opposite sides of the roof. They morphed and changed, forming two beings; one of darkness, and one of light. When the dust cleared, they looked each other in the eyes with a stare that could kill an average man. The struggle was about to begin
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