Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Two Heads Are NOT Better Than One

The stare-down continued, each of them only a muscle twitch away from destroying the other. Both knew that the other was prepared for any counterattack, so they just stood waiting for the other to make a move.The tension between the two warriors was thick enough to cut with a knife...

"You know Mr. Narrator, that sounds like a good idea to me, I just love to cut things..."

Wait what? Did he just talk to me.... never mind, anyway The team knew that the impending fight needed to be interrupted but only a madman would step between the likes of those two. Naturally, doctor Schenckenstein rose to the challenge.

"Gentlemen please calm yourselves, don't kill each other just yet. You both already should know your situation, and should have retained all your knowledge, so why don't you introduce yourselves and lets just try to get along. Let's start with you first Mr. tall dark and gruesome..."

He indicated to the dark, shadowy, and clearly insane one.
"I was once the ultimate evil, but that was a long time ago....in a galaxy far far away... no laughter...wait that's before your time. You young-lings wouldn't understand the humor of the past. Anyway when Doctor Who here tried to destroy me he turned half of me into THAT disgusting creature over there."

He indicated to his other half

"Wait how did you know about that? I wiped your memory.." The Doctor Said.

"You should've done your research old man, I have powers of omniscience, you wiped that when you wiped our memory, but our diffusion restored the factory default set of abilities both of us attained at the times when we were fully good or evil in my case..."

Omnisciency, so that's how he does it....

"You, narrator man. Shut your mouth when I'm talking, you're stealing my spotlight. Anyway as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. I was once the herald of the Apocalypse, but now I am reduced to saving this pathetic rock. But you know what they say... if you can't kill them, join them until you can... Anyway, now that my identity has been stripped from me by Doogie Houser over here, I have no name. I guess you can just call me Yin, as I am the yin of our souls' essence. Take it away light bulb!"

Yin signaled to the other half of #2015, who had a white glowing aura about him in contrast to the dark black aura of Yin. He was garbed in all white, and seemed to float rather than stand, barely even touching the ground, he glided to the middle in peaceful serenity.

"Well, that's a hard act to follow, but you can call me Yang since I am the Yang of our souls' essence. I was once destined to be the earth's savior, I was to lead the world through it's final war and into peace, but I was corrupted and transformed into the monster you know as Yin...And not to be outdone by my rival I too possess a sixth sense and have the power of clairvoyance parallel to Yin's omniscience. And I am morally obligated to keep you safe from Yin, as my personality was modeled after the 6 perfections of life: Wisdom, Patience, Ethics, Generosity, Concentration and Perseverance; Yin here was modeled after the 7 deadly sins: Wrath, Greed, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, & Lust. So no matter what he does, know that I am here to keep him in balance, and after this charade I will personally see to his destruction, for I know that lives are in danger as long as this part of me is still alive. The only reason he exists is because of me, so I must be the one to destroy him. But that is another battle for another time, for now I lend my talents to the cause, and I will fight until humanity is saved..."

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Deep dude. I got all sucked into your writing! You are outstanding at this!
