Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The T-Force

A week went by, and the group finally began to relax, as they were confident in the abilities of Yin and Yang and were certain that whatever henchmen came next would be less than a match. They resumed their nightly watch and tried to get some sleep only to be interrupted by a large crash on the roof. They were expecting this, as henchmen came every day since the arrival of Yin and Yang. This time however they were surprised to find nothing but a small spaceship that could house no more than 10 people. They looked around, but could find no evidence of any attacker. However, just when they were getting ready to retreat back inside the building, a flash and a sonic boom were seen in the skies above them.

What happened next made heads roll. Five figures appeared from the sky performing a series of maneuvers that went horribly wrong. They bickered amongst themselves without stopping their routine, and managed to perform a few good tricks before landing in a circular formation with the strongest of them filling the center. They each spoke one at a time in a choreographed order.

"Weaklings like you don't know REAL fear"

"We will teach you the true meaning of pain!"

"We will make ourselves into stars and you into stardust!"

"The planet of [insert name here] will be ours for the taking! But don't worry, we'll leave it looking better than ever! I hope you're ready to PARTAYYYY!!!!"

"Prepare for a legendary beat down from the FABULOUS FIVE!"

Then they all shouted in unison:

"We are the elite 5 soldiers of Commander Xigby!"






"And together we are......." They proceeded to do a series of flamboyant poses and fighting moves, all building up to a big unified announcement

"The T-Force!"

All the Alpha Team could do was stare in an amazed sense of embarrassment. Yin was the only one who could muster up a sentence in reply to them.

"So let me get this straight, you're the henchmen correct?"

"Not just any henchmen... the elite fighters of the universe....the names most feared and respected across the galaxies.....The ultimate fighting squad....The T-FORCE!!!!"

Even Yin was embarrassed by this point, but continued onward.

"You've made that quite obvious, now let me see if I have my archetypes right. You're the pretty boy; you're the small, ugly one with the freaky power; You're the stupid one with the brute strength; You're the right hand man, and you must be the leader."

"I see you've heard of us before, now allow us to kindly pound you into dust like gentlemen, But first let's PARTAYY!!! It's time for everyone's favorite game!"

They quickly wheeled out a large game show style wheel and film crew, and excitedly yelled in unison:

"Wheel of Misfortune!!"

The wheel had all of the fighters names on them and the names of Yin, Yang, and Yin & Yang, setting up a variety of different possible fights.

"I'm Captain T, coming to you live. Let's see our first match up!" Proclaimed Trexyl

He spun the wheel until it landed on the match-up of Yin vs Caesar ,who was the brute of the group. Trexyl made a big deal out of it soaking it up to the cameras, and then had his men wheel out an arena onto the roof of the building. Within a few minutes they were set up, and the fight was about to begin.

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