Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Wrinkle in Time

By this point, Yin was warmed up and really beginning to get into the spirit of things, and actually began to enjoy himself. He stepped into the arena feeling confident and ready to take on whatever would come his way. Yang however was a lot more serious about the matter, he disapproved of the entire charade and all of the meaningless violence, but he knew that he had to devise a clever plan if he wanted to get past these henchmen. He knew they would never listen to reason and, begrudgingly, stepped into the ring to join his nemesis in battle.

Vermil, was feeling confident and looked on at the two of them in confidence. Yin was foolishly arrogant and thought nothing of the tiny, ugly warrior. However, Yang sensed something unusual about the pint sized parasite, his power was extremely low, but he sensed not a trace of fear within him. He knew there was something he was hiding, but what?

The gong rang out and the fight was to begin. Yin rushed in ready to slug the slug across the face, but in a flash he disappeared. Yin stumbled with surprise and fell right into his blow. disoriented, he stood and rushed him again launching a volley of punches, kicks, and jabs at him, but none making contact, as the little man dodged them all without even trying.

"What's wrong, getting angry. Here, I'll make things easier, I won't move from this spot" Teased Vermil.
Yin then attacked him from all sides, using his full speed, while Vermil tilted himself out of the way, not getting hit once. Yin was furious and raced to the other end of the ring, revving up his gears, he flung himself forward and charged right at him, he then picked up a sudden, unexpected burst of speed and missed Vermil all together. He was moving too fast to control himself and was about to collide into yang, when the latter pushed all of his energy forward into stopping him.Yin was held firmly in place by the barrier of energy, but still was being propelled forward. The force holding him still strained increasingly more, as he was being propelled faster and faster. Finally, Yang had no choice but to fire a large energy blast at Yin to strengthen the resistance, but just before collision yin shifted slightly to the right so that the blast just missed him and went straight for Vermil. It hit him dead on and knocked him back, with Yin dropping to the ground in unison with Vermil. Yin was completely ignorant of what had happened and immediately rushed back in to attack. It was in vain though as Vermil, with surprising speed, jumped up to his feet and kicked Yin in the gut, propelling him high into the sky with the same force as earlier.

Yang was perplexed by this, with his speed he should have easily dodged the blast that knocked him to his feet, but it seemed to approach him too son to react. Yin had a theory to this anomaly, but it was far-fetched and required a bit more experimenting. He looked up to see Vermil rushing up into the sky and pummeling Yin too quickly for him to react to. Yang rushed up and went to strike him from behind, but was intercepted by a lightning fast punch to the face which knocked him back down to the ground. Vermil continued to torment Yin, and Yang decided to try a different approach, He charged up two very large orbs of energy in his hands and collided them together into a large beam that was aimed directly at Vermil, he turned and fired one back to keep it at bay, he was clearly overpowered  and focused all of his effort into the beam without realizing he'd left himself open to attack, and Yin struck him in the back with a solid punch, making him lose concentration and negating his energy beam, and sending him flying right into it. It smacked him right in the face and knocked him back. In a moment of perfect equilibrium, yin and Yang rushed him and attacked from opposite ends. they wailed on him with punches and kicks, badly hurting him until he disappeared from between them, and yin's punches accelerated and, without Vermil to intercept, he began to wail on Yang instead. After a few seconds Yin began to attack Yang of his own free will, enjoying himself too much to stop. He finally stopped after Yang crossed his arms above his face to block the punch and knocked him back with a burst of energy, his light aura literally pushing Yin away. He forced Yin to focus on the fight at hand, fighting every impulse he had and using all of his self control to restrain himself from fighting back. His suspicions were now confirmed and he was formulating a plan to defeat him. When Yang got Yin's attention back on the badly bruised Vermil, he communicated his observations telepathically.

"Yin listen carefully, I think I know what makes our foe so dangerous and I might have a way to defeat him. From the observations I've made, I am under the impression that he has the ability to manipulate time, but I think he can only focus on one thing at a time, I can't be sure though until I try one more experiment. The only hits we've landed were the one's we've made while working together, if I'm correct it is because he can only focus on one of us at a time, but I won't try anything until I know for sure."

"Well what are you waiting for!? Attack him!! don't just sit here and think things over, HELP ME!!"

"What was that Yin, did YOU ask ME for help."

"Hurry up before I change my mind!!"

"Fine fine, but only if you say please."

"Not a chance in hell, you know you're not the brightest light bulb in the pile! to even fathom the idea that I would stoop to that high..I'll just do it myself!"

This is exactly what Yang wanted, as it gave him the perfect opportunity to confirm his suspicions. Yin flung himself towards Vermil, and sure enough he dodged and began to strike Yin faster than the human eye could process. Yang then took this opportunity and flew up in an overly obvious charge. he caught Vermil's attention and he felt all of his muscles weigh him back. his entire body felt like lead, and his movement was radically impaired. Yin then went behind Vermil to attack, but just in the nick of time he increased his speed and dodged. Yang's speed then returned to normal and his hypothesis was confirmed.

"Alright, it's true we can defeat him but we have to work together. if we coordinate our attacks he'll only be able to focus on one of us at a time, and we'll have the advantage. On my mark I want you to attack."
Yang then let out a loud scream and shone forth his inner power, engulfing Vermil in his golden aura of light. Yang then rushed him, and he was again slowed down in time by Vermil, but with him nearly blinded by the bright light, he did not see Yin approaching from behind. He was attacked by a full assault of brutal attacks from Yin, and he was helpless to fight back due to his disorientation at the event. Yang, though slowed still made an approach until he was right behind Vermil. finally regaining his senses, he froze Yin in time just as he was about to get a slug to the gut. He turned around and saw Yang's slow punch towards him quickly return to real time, and he was knocked right back into Yin's frozen fist with such force that it breached the skin and impaled him. He gasped for breath and collapsed dead on Yin's fist. Yin awoke from his trance and returned to real time, seeing Vermil's corpse on his arm gave him a great moment of sadistic pleasure, which he reveled in before tossing him into the air and throwing a blast of energy at him which completely destroyed the remains. The two warriors of light and darkness collapsed and stopped to breath before finally leaving the ring and stopping to rest. Trexyl was going crazy with excitement in front of the cameras, and was overjoyed by the exciting turnout of the night.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen you saw it right here folks two of our members slain right before your eyes, the Invincible T-Force has finally met some worthy opponents. These two are really heating things up for us, one being who can give us a run for our money is spectacular, but TWO!! That gives us reason to PARTAYY!! Let's stop and take a quick break from the action to let this whole thing sink in. Our warriors need a rest, and our team needs a PARTAYY!!"

After a quick rest a wild party, Trexyl, his remaining team, and his camera crew took up their positions to resume the games. Trexyl gave the wheel another spin and let the cameras soak up the tension. The wheel slowly came to a halt and landed on a very small, thin space.

"WE-HE-HELL folks, have we got something special for you. It's time to brace yourselves for perhaps the most interesting match-up we've ever had. Yin and Yang were anxiously anticipating the results of the spin, which Trexyl was keeping to himself in order to build tension. Finally he could wait no longer and pointed the camera towards the wheel to show the results. with the wheel finally in view, the results were in. The tiny space that it landed on had small menacing print on it, which read:
"Yin vs Yang"

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